Named in honor of Cheryl E. Morgan, FAIA, Professor Emerita of Architecture, and former Director of the Urban Studio (2002–2013) thanks to a generous gift from Beth Thorne Stukes, the Cheryl E. Morgan Design Lab celebrates Morgan’s pivotal role in advancing the Urban Studio and her contributions to both Auburn students and the greater city of Birmingham.
Founded in 1991 by Associate Professor Franklin Setzer and then-CADC Dean Dan Bennett, the Urban Studio was originally called the Center for Architecture and Urban Studies. Morgan moved to the center from Auburn’s campus in 1997 and became executive director when Setzer unexpectedly passed in 2001.
As Director of the Urban Studio from 2002 to 2013, Morgan was a significant force in the evolution of the studio to its presence today, establishing the Small Town Design Initiative to assist communities throughout Alabama to maximize their assets to grow and flourish. Morgan says some of her favorite memories are watching students in the Small Town Design Initiative explore communities where they would work with local citizen clients.
1991 – The Center for Architecture and Urban Studies was founded by Associate Professor Franklin Setzer and Dean Daniel Bennett
1997 – Professor Cheryl Morgan moved from Auburn main campus to Birmingham
Mid 90's – The Center was involved in many Birmingham projects: Pepper Place Farmer’s Market; studies that championed the future Railroad Park; and mid-town housing investigations
2002 – Professor Cheryl Morgan became the full time Director of the Center
2003 – The Center moved to the historic Young and Vann Building at First North and 18th Street
2004 – The Center hosted its last fourth year class due to transition from quarters to semesters
2008 – The Center began to use the shorter name of Urban Studio
2008 – Urban Studio launched a 16-week internship in professional offices
2009 – Urban Studio was invited to the Aspen Design Institute to participate in a Rockefeller Foundation funded AIG Design for Good Summit
2011 – Urban Studio hosted and participated in an AIA R/UDAT for the Pratt City of Birmingham and worked closely with FEMA as a result of the tragic tornadoes in 2011
2012 – Urban Studio hosted and facilitated a National Endowment for the Arts Mayors Institute on City Design that included national experts and mayors from Birmingham, Brownsville, TX, Slidell, LA, Hattiesburg, MS, Waxhaw, NC and Patterson, NJ
2013 – Professor and Director, Cheryl Morgan, retired from Auburn University
2014 – Urban Studio moved to the historic Porter Building at the corner of Third Avenue North and 20th Street
2014 – Architect Alex Krumdieck became Interim-Director of the Urban Studio